When all is said and done, eight windows and two doors were removed from the house and eight windows, 2 patio doors, 1 front door and 1 skylight were installed....and all within 4 days!
Here is how the kitchen area looked a few short weeks ago.
And then this........
Notice the patio door was installed (on right) & the old kitchen door is now a window (back left).
On Thursday Michael also installed the new picture window which will be above the kitchen sink. We decided not to have grills in the patio door or the picture window because we did not want to obstruct the amazing view of the meadow.
Yesterday the men removed the old front door and the very last old window in the house!
A double window was replaced but shifted over toward the new front door.
This is what it looked like on the outside last week
Then this yesterday....
Now this.
Now it looks like this.
We left the wall space on the left of the new windows for open shelves. (No more door on right).
This is what the outside of the house facing the meadow looks like today.
There's a real mess on the ground but we'll pick that all up this weekend.
A few neighbors stopped by yesterday to check on the progress.
A little cocky but colorful characters indeed!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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